Thursday 25 March 2010

[Game News] Third official Peace Walker gameplay video surfaces

Hideo Kojima has just dropped another gameplay video for MGS: Peace Walker, the main line MGS sequel for the PSP. Watch above for  the group based boss battle.

Monday 22 March 2010

[Tech News] A black HTC Desire? Yes please.

Hot on the heels of news that T-Mobile had begun sales of the HTC Desire, a black prototype has popped onto YouTube. The black version may well be my favourite but the gunmetal and silver version aren't too shabby looking either, are they?

via [YouTube]

[Tech News] HTC Desire turns up on T-Mobile

The HTC Desire, an aptly named Nexus One with HTC's Sense UI overlay, had been know to be coming to Vodafone at some point in April amongst many other Android devices.

T-Mobile, the busy German owned outfit, we're hot on the heels of Vodafone. The company has begun selling HTC's flagship android device as of today on a £35pm plan with the phone being free.  They are offering cheaper per month tarrifs with a cost on the phone itself.

Friday 19 March 2010

[Game News] Heavy Rain DLC coming April 1st

April's fools day is generally full of awful, awful pranks, just pop into my high school on the 1st. So if you're not one for the jokes, Sony is suggesting a day in with Heavy Rain and the Taxidermist DLC. 

The DLC, which follows Madison in the house of a Taxidermist, was originally shown to the games press before the release of Heavy Rain as a representation of the gameplay from the main game. It was already made available to those who pre-ordered, but now is coming to all for $4.99 on the PS Store

Thursday 18 March 2010

[Game News] First M.A.G DLC announced, free.

Zipper today announced the first DLC pack for their 256 player online only shooter. The DLC,  the 'Tropper Gear pack', contains both weapons and new character uniforms.

The weapons will be Raven’s APEX 100SE, SVER’s RTK-74 Vla, and Valor’s Mk 46 Mod 1, a light machine-gun for each of the games three factions, and there's also a new flashbang grenade . The pack also contains two new uniforms, available to all three factions, 'Trooper Dark' and 'Trooper Light', which have been 'designed for urband and interior combat'.

[Game News] Rockstar delay GTA Episodes for PS3

It seems, due to a last minute request from SCEE, GTA : Episodes From Liberty City has been delayed until April on the PS3. 

The game now has an expected release date of 13th April in North America and 16th in Europe. SCEE had asked for last moment changes to in game radio, television and internet content for the European release. Rockstar decided the delay would also affect the North American release of the expansion to keep a worldwide simultaneous launch.  

The pack, which contains The Lost and The Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony, had previously been expected two weeks before this new date. The content was expected on the PS3 for the first time, having previously been 360 exclusive DLC.

[Game News] Battlefield Bad Company 2 heading for top seller in March?

In a statement released by EA, Bad Company 2 is set to be March 2010's top selling game. The title, EA's nearest contender to Activision's FPS monolith, Modern Warfare 2, has reportedly sold over 2.3m across both North America and Europe. In a month where the game went up against FFXIII, this seems a pretty good achievement.

March will also contain other big hitters like God of War 3, so it's a pretty mean feat in such a blockbuster month.

Hit the break for the EA statement

Wednesday 17 March 2010

[Game News] Sony and Kevin Butler send a message from the future to natal, Wii

That message is, we're better than you. Watch the video for hilarity, trust me, it ensues.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

[Game News] Rockstar show of new Red Dead Redemption screens

Rockstar today published new screens for it's new sandbox-western. The game, set for release this May on the 360 and PS3, follows the story of former outlaw John Marston in 1908 America.
Hit the jump for more screens.

[Tech News] HTC Legend to be Vodafone exclusive in UK

The HTC Hero had been a fan favourite amongst android fans until the release of 2.0 and 2.1 devices like the Droid or Nexus One. Whilst the Hero will be receiving an upgrade to 2.1 (at some point this month), it will also be receiving a hardware reboot in the form of the Legend.

The 2.1 centric device, said to improve upon the hero in most ways, will be finding it's way to the UK in April via Vodafone, with the carrier having announced via their coming soon page that the device will be exclusive to them.

This comes as part of a larger push towards android for Vodafone. The carrier will also be carrying the Nexus One, it's spiritual brother, the HTC Desire, as well as Sony Ericsson's Rachael carrying Xperia X10. The former has no expected date, with the other two slated for an April release on Vodafone

[Tech News] Microsoft shows off Windows Phone 7 Marketplace

Microsoft has finally shown off the marketplace for its new mobile operating system, Windows Phone 7 Series. The design itself isn't wholly surprising, it keeps with the style and flow of the 7 series shown at MWC in Barcelona earlier this year when the it was announced.

There is one unexpected item, 'contoso'. This has been confirmed by Microsoft to be a place holder for carrier stores, allowing users to access applications specific to their carrier.

Microsoft has also confirmed that the marketplace will be the only place where a user may install apps to their phone.

[Game News] Sega teasing new Yakuza

Sega, having just recently released Yakuza 3 outside of Japan, is readying for the release of Yakuza 4 in Japan two days from now. On a bit of a roll, the Tokyo company decided to tease a new game at a Yakuza 4 launch party.

[Game Review] Vancouver 2010

Games for the Olympics, both summer and winter, are sports games of a different breed to the Maddens and FIFAs of the world, sport franchises with yearly seasons and so, yearly games. The Olympic Games, however, are released once every four years, to coincide with the Athletic games on which they are based. Vancouver 2010, a game by Eurocom, published by SEGA, is the company’s first foray into the winter Olympics, with previous titles Torino, Salt Lake, and Nagano being made by 2K, Ubisoft, and Konami respectively. Sega and Eurocom's 2008 effort for the Beijing Olympics was critically panned, so Vancouver was a chance for them to put right the mistakes they had made previously.

[Game Review] Bayonetta

Bayonetta, a game by Platinum games and SEGA, is one of very few high profile titles published by the people that gave the world Sonic and the Dreamcast. The title is, at first glance, a game styled highly like the Devil May Cry series of games, a style which that series had made its own. This was no coincidence however as the game was headed by Hideki Kamiya, the man behind the DMC games. It therefore comes into question whether this game is an evolution on DMC or merely a rehash, calling Bayonetta and her gun-toting world in place of Dante and his.