Monday 26 April 2010

[Game News] Competitive multiplayer Red Dead Redemption screens surface

Showdown at High Noon it isn't, but it is a smattering of new screens from Rockstar. The game, soon to ship, is Rockstar's take on the western, a sandbox action-adventure contains both co-operative and competitive multiplayer modes. The co-operative mode sees you and friends combine in a posse and allows free roaming through the game's world. There is more 'game' to the competitive multiplayer, supporting up to 16 players and starting with a large Mexican standoff. 

More screens after the break.

[Game News] Gran Turismo 5 headed for winter release?

It seems, in keeping with tradition, that Sony have let slip some information through a digital magazine ahead of a game show. Similar to the reveal of the PSP GO before last year's E3 summit, Sony have dropped a release window for GT5 in firstplay, the European equivalent to Qore. Now, if I were you, I'd take this with a rather large amount of salt, not because to source isn't trust-able, but because we've seen more release windows and dates for GT5 than many can care to count.

Thursday 25 March 2010

[Game News] Third official Peace Walker gameplay video surfaces

Hideo Kojima has just dropped another gameplay video for MGS: Peace Walker, the main line MGS sequel for the PSP. Watch above for  the group based boss battle.

Monday 22 March 2010

[Tech News] A black HTC Desire? Yes please.

Hot on the heels of news that T-Mobile had begun sales of the HTC Desire, a black prototype has popped onto YouTube. The black version may well be my favourite but the gunmetal and silver version aren't too shabby looking either, are they?

via [YouTube]

[Tech News] HTC Desire turns up on T-Mobile

The HTC Desire, an aptly named Nexus One with HTC's Sense UI overlay, had been know to be coming to Vodafone at some point in April amongst many other Android devices.

T-Mobile, the busy German owned outfit, we're hot on the heels of Vodafone. The company has begun selling HTC's flagship android device as of today on a £35pm plan with the phone being free.  They are offering cheaper per month tarrifs with a cost on the phone itself.

Friday 19 March 2010

[Game News] Heavy Rain DLC coming April 1st

April's fools day is generally full of awful, awful pranks, just pop into my high school on the 1st. So if you're not one for the jokes, Sony is suggesting a day in with Heavy Rain and the Taxidermist DLC. 

The DLC, which follows Madison in the house of a Taxidermist, was originally shown to the games press before the release of Heavy Rain as a representation of the gameplay from the main game. It was already made available to those who pre-ordered, but now is coming to all for $4.99 on the PS Store

Thursday 18 March 2010

[Game News] First M.A.G DLC announced, free.

Zipper today announced the first DLC pack for their 256 player online only shooter. The DLC,  the 'Tropper Gear pack', contains both weapons and new character uniforms.

The weapons will be Raven’s APEX 100SE, SVER’s RTK-74 Vla, and Valor’s Mk 46 Mod 1, a light machine-gun for each of the games three factions, and there's also a new flashbang grenade . The pack also contains two new uniforms, available to all three factions, 'Trooper Dark' and 'Trooper Light', which have been 'designed for urband and interior combat'.